Recent and/or still unpublished papers

1 S. CORRERA, A. FASANO, L. FUSI , M. PRIMICERIO , F. ROSSO, Wax diffusivity under given thermal gradient: a mathematical model Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 87, 1, p. 24-36 (2007)

2. S. CORRERA, A. FASANO, L. FUSI , M. PRIMICERIO, Modelling wax diffusion in crude oils: the cold finger device To appear on Appl. Math. Modelling (2006)

3. A. FASANO, M. PRIMICERIO, Wax deposition in crude oils: a new approach Rend. Mat. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 16 (2005) 251-263

4. I. BORSI, A. FARINA, A. FASANO, M. PRIMICERIO, Biomass growth in unsaturated porous media: hydraulic properties changes to appear on WSPC - Proceedings SIMAI 2006

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