1994 Pseudo-iteration semigroups and commuting holomorphic maps,
(with Graziano Gentili)
Rendiconti di Matematica dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, serie IX, vol. 5, pp. 33-42
1996 On commuting holomorphic maps in the unit disc of C,
Complex Variables: theory and applications, vol. 30, pp. 301-313
1998 Iteration theory in hyperbolic domains,
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, vol. 74, pp. 51-66
2001 Rigidity at the boundary for holomorphic self-maps of the unit disk,
(with Roberto Tauraso)
Complex Variables: theory and applications, vol. 45, pp. 151-165
2002 Identity principles for commuting holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc,
(with Filippo Bracci and Roberto Tauraso)
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, vol. 270, pp. 451-473
A new rigidity result for holomorphic maps,
(with Serena Migliorini)
Indag. Mathem., N.S., 13 (4), pp. 537-549
2004 Some remarks on Schwarz-Christoffel transformations from the unit disk to a regular polygon and their numerical computation (...),
(with Damiano Bonciani) Complex Variables: theory and applications vol. 49 (4), pp. 271-284
Some remarks on rigidity results for holomorphic maps of domains of C^n ,
Quaderni di Matematica del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita` degli Studi di Trieste, II, n. 550
2007 A survey on geometric properties of holomorphic self--maps in some domains of C^n , (with C. Frosini )
Annales Polonici Mathematici (Proceedings of the Conference in Szczyrk), 91 (2-3), pp. 197-217
2008 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra for Hamilton and Cayley numbers , (with G. Gentili and D.C. Struppa )
Math. Z., vol. 259, pp. 895-902
2009 A survey on recent results for the new theory on regular functions on Hamilton, Cayley and Clifford Algebras , (with G. Gentili, C. Stoppato and D.C. Struppa)
Hypercomplex Analysis and its Applications, Trends in Mathematics, 165-186, pp. Birkhauser, Basel (2009)
Rigidity for regular functions over Hamilton and Cayley numbers and a boundary Schwarz' Lemma , (with G. Gentili )
Indag. Mathem., N.S., 19 (4), pp. 535-545
2011 The Argument Principle for Regular Functions,
Mich. Math. J. 60, pp. 67-77
The Gauss Lucas Theorem for Quaternionic Regular Polynomials ,
Hypercomplex Analysis and its Applications, Trends in Mathematics pp. 275-282
On fixed point of regular Moebius transformations over Quaternions , (with G. Gentili)
Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings, Contemporary Mathematics, 553, pp. 75-82
2012 A Julia's Lemma for the symmetrized bidisc G_2 (with C. Frosini) ,
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 57 (10), pp. 1121--1134
2013 Regular Composition for Slice--Regular Functions of Quaternionic Variable, ,
Advances in Hypercomplex Analysis, Springer INDAM Series 1, Springer-Verlag pp. 141--148
2016 A survey on quasiconformal functions with application to the case of functions of hypercomplex variable
Contemporary Mathematics, 667 pp. 279--297
Vieta Formula for Regular Polynomials of Quaternionic Variable, to appear in Advances in Geometry
Starlikeness for Functions of HyperComplex Variable (with A. Gori) to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

1999 Istituzioni di Matematica: problemi svolti, esercizi e test,
(with Fabio Rosso)
Pitagora Editrice srl, Bologna
2000 Metodi matematici e statistici nelle scienze della terra. Volume primo. Argomenti Istituzionali
(with Antonella Buccianti and Fabio Rosso)
Liguori Editore, Napoli
2001 Metodi matematici e statistici nelle scienze della terra. Volume secondo. Sviluppi e applicazioni
(with Antonella Buccianti and Fabio Rosso)
Liguori Editore, Napoli
2003 Metodi matematici e statistici nelle scienze della terra. Volume terzo. Tecniche statistiche,
(with Antonella Buccianti and Fabio Rosso)
Liguori Editore, Napoli
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